Friday, October 8, 2010

Thing # 4

The blogs I have read are:
  Why Can't We Do This?
Why I Don’t Assign Homework
The genre of blog writing seems to be more informal than formal and a faster way to give and receive feedback.  It is sort of like a chart room but a little more formal because the content is more serious.  Blog reading is different than other types of reading because I am reading someones comments, thoughts, and messages on a subject matter and different opinions all at once. They are similar to other types of reading because blogs can also give a wealth of information. I just have to sort through what is good and what is not.
    Blogs are different than other types of writing because they are  interactive. Blogs can be formal or informal.  Students can write blogs to help each other on homework.  A teacher can have a blog to help his/her students with homework on just keep parents updated about current  events going on in the class.
Most of the commenting I have read seem to be positive. Commenting contributes to the writing because it gives other view points the author may have not considered.  Blogging can be an awesome tool to facilitate learning because  it is a great way to communicate and share thoughts and ideas.

Thing 2

Web 2.0 is changing the way we should be teaching in the 21st century. Our students are so far ahead of what we do in the classroom.  They are familiar with blogging and texting.  They use facebook, wikis and other technology resources. As a teacher, we need to take advantage of this.  We need to incorporate blogs and wikis as part of our curriculum. Using these tools with today's digital learners will hopefully engage our students in the lessons.  I would want to use it to promote ownership of learning.  I would use these tools to creating engaging lessons for my students.

Thing # 1

1. The learning habit that may be most challenging to me is using technology to my advantage.  I am not familiar with a lot of the different technology resources but I am willing to learn.

2.  The easiest for me is teach or mentor others. I do not mind helping other teachers be successful, especially in my subject area. I also accept responsibility for my own learning by taking different Staff Development classes to help me in areas like incorporating technology.

3.  The most important habit for me as I take this course is to begin with the end in mind.  I need to set goals and sometimes I may need to modify these goals.